Pressure Test Stands For
Home Appliance Components
Appliance manufacturers know the importance of making sure their products are leak-free from day one. Furthermore, it is vital that components can withstand a higher pressure load than the operating pressure. Accordingly, home appliance components such as pipes and tubes frequently undergo (destructive) hydrostatic burst pressure and leak tests. On some occasions, a component may even require a water hammer test. Testing processes performed can be time-consuming; ranging from a few seconds for small items up to more than a minute, even hours or days for some applications. Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau offers a range of pressure test rigs to support home appliance manufacturers to put their components to the test.
Hose Test Bench with Laser Measurement
When hoses are subjected to pressure, they often change from their original form and dimension. The test stand has an integrated automatic laser and length measurement system and can measure torsion easily. In addition, a quick connector system enables the hoses to be replaced rapidly.
Burst and Pressure Cycle Test Stand
A state-of-the-art dual chamber test rig for simultaneous burst and pressure pulsation testing. The rig enables testing flexibility in your lab. A media heating and cooling unit can be installed to cover an even wider range of test requirements.
Standard Pressure Cycle Test Rig 500 / 1000 / 2000 bar
Our standard pressure cycle test bench serves as the basis for many of our systems. Thus, it can be upgraded with a wide variety of configurations such as media heating and cooling, high or low-pressure ranges and much more.
Test Stand for Pumps, Fittings and Valves
Test rig for leak and hydrostatic burst pressure testing up to 60 bar. Our rig is equipped with our patented fine pressure control method with 0.1 bar increments. Consequentially, it facilitates reliable and repeatable test processes for comparable results and data acquisition to understand the DUT (device under test) behaviour in operation.
Multipurpose Leak Test Rig
Depending on the requirement, the test pressure is generated with a pressure pump, our patented fine pressure control method. Alternatively for more complex testing via a pneumatic or hydraulic pressure intensifier. In addition, a leak is automatically detected and registered in the system. The low-pressure systems are developed for low-pressure, vacuum, air or nitrogen tests.
Burst Test Stand up to 200 bar
In order to prove the quality of media-carrying components, hoses, lines, pipes and many other pressure vessels are pressurized until they burst. Accordingly, our standard pressure test bench can be equipped with a simple pump solution or a high-tech hydraulic intensifier to adjust to your needs.
Contact Us
Our experienced technical sales team will help you with the implementation of your project and will find a solution tailored to your specifications and your requirements. We are represented internationally and can support you and your company worldwide. Our team has completed hundreds of projects many of which involved supporting test facilities with identical equipment. P+P Maschinenbau is your internationally trusted partner.